Rewired Anaerobic Digestion

Rewired Anaerobic Digestion: Developing More Sustainable Chemical Factories By Jorge L. Rico, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Trainee in the CSU InTERFEWS Program According to the World Bank, humans produce about 2.01 billion tons of municipal solid waste each year. (Photo: | ©likstudio) The growing demand for food, […]

Summer Internship Student Spotlight: Bethany King

Summer Internship Student Spotlight: Bethany King  An undergraduate student in Chemical Engineering July 10, 2020 Instead of asking if the glass is half-empty or half-full, Bethany King is posing a different question: What’s the carbon footprint of that glass? King, a third-year chemical engineering student, is developing a user-friendly, open-source tool that will allow microbreweries to […]