James Cale
Associate Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering
Joint appointment in Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
About James
Dr. James Cale is an associate professor at Colorado State University. His research at the Powerhouse includes microgrids, power-electronic drive systems, grid integration of renewables, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) and power magnetics. He teaches courses in power engineering, electrical machinery, and grid integration of renewable energy systems.
Prior to joining CSU he led the Distributed Energy Systems Integration Group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and worked in senior power engineering roles at Advanced Energy and Orbital ATK. He earned his doctorate in electrical engineering from Purdue University (with honors) and bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (summa cum laude) from Missouri University of Science & Technology. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, member of Tau Beta Pi, and serves as editor on the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy.
electrical energy conversion, power-electronic drives, computational and applied electromagnetics, hardware-in-the-loop, microgirds

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Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1377
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